We wanted to see if we could find more information about Charles Hart who was living in Washington, DC in the late 1930s. We searched the 1930 Census and discovered that Charles was 48 years old and living in Washington, DC in 1930. His wife was Winifred, age 44, and they had two daughters Winifred, age 9, and Mary, age 4.
According to the 1930 Census Winifred was born in Pennsylvania and Charles and the two girls were born in Washington, DC. Charles and Winifred are also listed in the 1920 Census.
Next we went to Ancestry.com and searched Public Member Trees by keying in the information listed above. However, we didn't find any information about the Harts. So we tried some other online family trees but didn't find anything there either.
We then tried a search of the Historical Records at Ancestry.com but we didn't find anything. So we went to Ancestry.com's' Card Catalogue so that we could search specific databases. We searched the United States Obituary Collection but had no luck. Then we searched the Historical Newspapers (1851-2003) Birth, Marriage and Death database and we received a listing of obituaries. We looked at a few and finally found some more information about Charles Hart.
We read the obituary in the January 26, 1948 edition of the Washington Post. It indicates that Charles Hart died on January 24, 1948 at his residence in Washington, DC. It also indicates that his spouse was Winifred G. Hart and his daughters were Mrs. Winifred Lull and Mary Rita Hart. Charles was the brother of Mrs. Ella Lovelace and he was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Military records for the different branches of service are good places to find birth dates. For example an individual's enlistment records should contain the individual's date of birth.
In most cases military records are an accurate source of birth dates because the individual submitted information about himself or herself while still young. See our discussion of Military Records for additional information.